Bethany Durham

Bethany Durham

Bethany Durham has a bachelor’s degree in Communication and a passion for storytelling. Her writing for Catholic Charities has included blogs, newspaper and magazine articles. She enjoys telling client stories in a way that captures the humanity and emotions of those she writes about. When she’s not working, Bethany loves to spend time with her two cats, hike and sing karaoke.

Even as a child, Desiree imagined someday opening her home to children in need and the impact she could make. That's what led her to Therapeutic Foster Care, which involves clinical intervention and placement of youth in specially trained foster homes that can provide assistance with mental, emotional and behavioral health needs. Today, they've made a difference in the lives of 23 children.

Foster care has had a deep influence on Barbara’s life ever since she was a child. Her parents did foster care as she was growing up, inspiring her to start her own journey as a foster parent. Now, she is in her thirteenth year of fostering and has provided a healing place for over 36 children.

With today’s ease of access to the internet and social media, teens are inundated with sexual images and messages. North Star Youth Partnership's Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) program brings age-appropriate, factual sexual education to teens in middle and high school. The program helps teens make informed decisions and decreases the risks of teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and risk-taking behaviors.

When it comes to knowledge and connections, Joe Goitia and Andrew Harvey of the Veterans Service team in Flagstaff, Ariz. are on-point. Joe and Andrew walk alongside veterans and veteran families at risk of or experiencing homelessness, keeping the client at the center of all decisions. Their greatest joy is seeing clients bloom and grow once they are housed. 

In 2014, Ken received a wakeup call. He found himself in jail in Flagstaff, facing serious time for assault charges. Getting connected to Catholic Charities changed his life.

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