Medical Loan Closet

Catholic Charities Medical Supply Loan Closet helps individuals in need of durable medical equipment in Yavapai County. We have two Northern Arizona Medical Loan Closet locations in Cottonwood and Prescott.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can receive supplies from the Medical Loan Closet?

The Medical Loan Closet is available to everyone, there is no age or financial disclosure necessary.

What are the business hours for the Medical Loan Closet?

The Prescott Medical Loan Closet is available by appointment Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to noon.

The Cottonwood Medical Loan Closet is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to noon on Friday. We are closed for lunch from noon to 1:00 p.m.

Both locations recommend calling to inquire about equipment availability before coming in. 

How much do I need to pay for items that require a non-refundable deposit?

Deposits vary by location. The Prescott Medical Loan Closet requests a nominal donation of $5 for canes, $50 for knee scooters and $20 for most other equipment, but no one is turned away. The Cottonwood location requests a $10 non-refundable deposit.

Can I borrow items if I live outside of Cottonwood or Prescott?

Absolutely, both Medical Loan Closets will loan equipment to anyone. Please ensure you have transportation that will accommodate the medical equipment being borrowed.

Can I donate medical supplies?

Donations of used equipment in good condition are welcome. Please call first to make sure we have space for the equipment. We cannot accept equipment that is prescribed for a specific person like oxygen tanks, feeding tubes, etc. or large items like hospital beds and Hoyer lifts.

We do accept the following items: Wheelchairs with “feet”, tub benches and shower chairs, and walkers