Ruthanne Hopkins

Ruthanne Hopkins

Ruthanne Hopkins has worked with Catholic Charities' Unaccompanied Minor Foster Care program for two years. She has lived overseas and enjoys the richness of different cultures. She has 20 years of experience working with refugees.

Foster parent Elizabeth Aguer inspires others with her warm smile and positivity, despite having experienced struggles that would break most people. As a refugee from South Sudan, she understands the trials of fleeing one’s home and finding refuge in the U.S.

Georgina Stewart is the type of mother any child would be proud to have. As she talks to her case manager, she expresses her excitement about taking her foster teens shopping to buy clothes for the holiday parties they’ll be attending with her.

Karen Winemiller is a Phoenix native who has partnered with Catholic Charities Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) program for 36 years.

As case manager Ruthanne Hopkins sits down to talk to Irshad, a young man in Catholic Charities Unaccompanied Minor Refugee program, she notices the words printed across his shirt. The words are “Resilience: Me.”

The holiday season brings with it a distinct sense of excitement. This past Christmas, Adam and Melanie Brown had a special reason to celebrate.