A love for helping others and a passion for giving is deeply embedded in the lives of Catholic Charities donors Joe and Liana Settanni. The two recently spoke to Catholic Charities about why they donate and the legacy they hope to leave for generations to come.Â
Why do you choose to give to Catholic Charities?Â
We choose Catholic Charities because of their diverse approach to assisting those less fortunate, from homeless veterans to single mothers in need, from struggling families to immigrant support, from infant adoption to youth partnership, Catholic Charities is there for our Northern Arizona Communities.
How do you instill your passion for giving in your family?
We have found that giving is much more rewarding than receiving. By hearing stories about my grandparents and their difficulties in Italy during the first and second World Wars, how they were helped and how they helped others, put an indelible mark in my heart for helping those less fortunate than myself. Our parents instilled that passion for giving every moment of every day of their lives by their example. We have tried our best to be involved in our parish and work to help those in need as much as we could. We pray that what we have done has passed on the same passion that our parents gave us to our children.
Why is this important to you?
We want our children to become virtuous adults that donate, volunteer and contribute to their families, church, communities and country! This can best be done when they develop a spirit of giving to charities. There would be no greater gift than to know that our children have the same spirit of giving of their time, treasure and talent as the generations before them.
How do you see Catholic Charities making a difference in Northern Arizona?
Our sister worked for Catholic Charities for many years. She shared with us their many areas of assistance. We have a large transient population that are always in need of assistance. Catholic Charities is always there for them with monies and services to help. Our friends adopted an abandoned family of children through Catholic Charities, and they were very blessed and pleased with all the staff did for them!
Like the Settannis, you can give back in numerous ways and leave a legacy for the next generation. Visit www.catholiccharitiesaz.org/ways-to-give to learn more.Â