“It’s important to sponsor a shelter … My daughter didn’t want to go seek that help. She thought he was going to change. And he didn’t, and he took her life … If my daughter’s death can save another woman’s life, it’s all worth it to me.” —Mother of Lita, a young woman who was killed in domestic violence

One in four women experiences domestic violence during her lifetime. One in seven men also experience abuse. Many domestically abused survivors are so afraid of their abuser, they believe they have no place to run for safety. It becomes harder when children and pets need to escape too. But you can bring the miracle of safety to them by supporting My Sisters’ Place, a shelter for survivors run by Catholic Charities. When survivors come to the shelter, they find compassion, support and a safe bed for themselves and their children. In partnership with the Arizona Humane Society, we also provide safety for their pets. These survivors need your help!

Give Today!

When you join the Help Domestic Violence Survivors team and become a one-time or monthly giver, you’ll help domestically abused survivors during their time at My Sisters’ Place and after, by providing for these basic needs.

By joining the Help Domestic Violence Survivors team, you’ll be joining a community that is working together to help domestic abuse survivors in Phoenix. You’ll help the abused survive and set them on a road to healing and hope.

Help a survivor today!

My Sisters’ Place opened its doors in 1985 to provide shelter to domestically abused survivors and their children in the Phoenix area, primarily the East Valley. The shelter started serving men in 2014. In partnership with Arizona’s Human Shelter, survivors can place their animals in a safe and caring environment until they find a permanent place to live. Survivors are provided with meals, a bed, hygiene supplies and other needed items. Survivors and their children receive counseling. My Sisters’ Place helps survivors find jobs and a permanent place to live. Catholic Charities also helps survivors through its Pathways program, which is for survivors escaping abuse who don’t need to live in the shelter.